


At  November 19th 2010 –November 21st I followed the program of Character Building for Bilingual class.We did this program in Puri Gendis villa,Trawas,Mojokerto.We went there by bus at 01.00 PM and arrived there at 02.30 PM.

All my friends and I out from the bus and immediately walked to the villa , that made me so tired. Finally,we arrived in Puri Gendis Villa,the scenarry are very beautiful.We waited the key of bedroom,after We got the key , we searched our bedroom,1 bedroom for  four students,Anggie,Bintang,Dian,and I were in one bedroom.In the bedroom we got the fun occurance, We found that the lamp cannot turn on,coincidence there was the officer of the  villa,I asked to him why did the lamp cannot turned on?,He said  that we must enter the card.Anggie,Bintang,Dian,and I felt very shy about it. We took a rest and after that there was Opening Ceremony,I was as the Mistris of Ceremony,I felt my hand vibrating,but I can did it. After We did the Opening Ceremony, we went to the bedroom to take a rest,in the first day we didn’t have activities,so We can watched  AFF Indonesia VS Thailand.At the night, AFF was started.I was enthusiastic and very sick over because a lot of opportunity cannot finished better by Indonesia,when Indonesia got the score, I jumped until my handphone fell,when football was over at 09.00 PM Anggie,Bintang,Dian,and I slept.

We got up at 02.00 AM and took a bath,the water was very cold because the warm water didn’t function.At 04.30 We did gymnastic and after that We took a rest and wait to had breakfast,,when I waitedt to breakfast,I took photos the beautiful scenarry in Puri Gendis villa,I played with all my friend.At 07.00 we had breakfast and started our activities.All of the activities I did,but only one I like,that was walking on the fire.That was very Interesting moment.When my innings I was motivated,made my face look strange,all my friends laughed because of my face.After We did activities,we took a rest and took a bath.At 06.00 PM we had dinner,after dinner We drank coffee together because that night was last night.So,I slept very night.
At 02.00 AM the alarm was rang because yesterday night we slept very night,we slept again until 03.00 AM we took a bath.After took a bath We watched Television with felt very sleepy,at 05.00 Mr.Muzzaki call Us to  gymnastic together.After that we took a rest and breakfast,at 08.00 AM there was activities again,that was about Renewable energy,in the activities we got worked to arrange puzzle,my group got worked to arrange the process of geothermal,We must presentation in front of all students.We presentation and got question, Alhamdulillah we can answer the question. The activities finished at 01.00 PM and We did the closing of ceremony,finished at 02.00 PM and before We went home,We had lunch.After had lunch we took our bag to go home,but before that  We took photo for the memory of Character Building for Bilingual Class Program. In the bus I slept because my body was so tired,when I got up I had residade in front of my school,and there I looked my father waited to pick me up.Iwent  out from the bus and went home with my father.That was very good experience in my live.

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