


          Long time ago there was a kingdom situated along the Mahakam river in eastern Borneo. The kingdom was ruled by Ratu Aji Bidara Putih.She was a typical queen of myths:beautiful,wise,and sensitive.Many princes and kings purposed to marry her but she always refused them because she concerned more about  ruling her country and guarding her people.
One day ,a Chinese junk came to eastern Borneo .First the people thought it was a merchant ship but the ship was loaded with trade goods  and highly trained soldiers.

Their envoyves came to the palace of  Ratu Aji Bidara Putih and brought gold antiques and porcelains to announce the proposal from prince of China,”Oh Queen,these are for you from prince,he purpose to marry  you to be his wife ,”said the envoyves.”I will thinking first to accept him,go to your prince,say to him that I will give answer  tomorrow ,”said the Ratu Aji Bidara Putih.The envoyves left  the palace,after the envoyves left the palace,Ratu Aji Bidara Putih called her a court officer and ordered him to infiltrate the Chinese junk to gather information about the prince.
When the night fell,the officer sneaked into the junk , got through behind every guard ,and finally found the prince’s room.The large door was opened and he couldn’t find any peek hole.So the officer put his hair to the wall,trying to catch sound from inside.He heard that the prince was having his dinner and the noise of his chewing and slurping surprised the officer,”Oh my god,I must informing Ratu Aji Bidara Putih,said the officer.
He quickly left the boat and returned the palace.He reported that the prince must have been a phantom not human.He believed that the Phantom could be in a Human’s form only during the day time.Ratu Aji Bidara Putih was so surprised and got angry.On the next day,She refused his proposal.
The enraged prince ordered his troops to raid Muara Kaman.The Battle was won by the huge troops of China,and they got close to the palace.Ratu  Aji Bidara Putih chewed a leaf of betel vine and magic spell while holding it.When she threw it to the Chinese troops,it turned to giant centipedes chased them and sank the junks.
The site of the sunken ship is now known as Danau Lipan,with Chinese treasure hidden on the lake’s bad.

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